
Philip K. Dick: Radio Free Albemuth


Radio Free Albemuth
by Philip K. Dick
First Edition Book Club hardcover

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The provocative and mind-bending final novel from Philip K. Dick –the bestselling author of Bladerunner and Man in the High Castle.

RADIO FREE ALBEMUTH Describes how the life of Nicholas Brady is disrupted by messages from a space satellite and how he shares the problem with his friend Phil Dick, the author, who plays a major role in one of the original examples of meta-fiction.

From the Inside Flap:
in Free Albemuth, his last novel, Philip K. Dick morphed and recombined themes that had informed his fiction from A Scanner Darkly to VALIS and produced a wild, impassioned work that reads like a visionary alternate history of the United States. Agonizingly suspenseful, darkly hilarious, and filled with enough conspiracy theories to thrill the most hardened paranoid, Radio Free Albemuth is proof of Dick’s stature as our century’s greatest science fiction writer.

The Science Fiction Book Club Edition preceded the tradewide release on this, Dick’s last novel, making this edition the global first release.