15 Aug Available Coasters Sale
Online Exclusive
This is the index of all available coasters from the past COASTER SHOWS!
Use our secure shopping cart (powered by Paypal) to purchase these pieces featured in exhibitions from 2013 to 2020. Just click on the coaster image you wish to purchase and you’ll be able to add it to your shopping cart. To make other payment arrangements, send us an email (info@gallery30south.com), call us (323.547.3227), or visit us M-F 12-6PM. We can invoice via PayPal or Square as needed.
As pieces sell, they will disappear from this page. If you want to see the FULL INDEX of ALL the coasters from a given year’s show, select from the links below:
Coaster Show 2020
Coaster Show 2019
Coaster Show 2018
Purchase immediately using our secure shopping cart.
Email us anytime or call between 12-6PM to arrange other payment and delivery options.
(323)547-3227 info@gallery30south.com
Sean Adams: Green Lady
$90 -
Sean Adams: Green Wave
$90 -
Adnohia: Huntington
$180 -
Baub Alred: Amelia
$25 -
Baub Alred: Bessa
$25 -
Baub Alred: Prisstina
$25 -
Monica Alvarez: Within Bubbles
$20 -
Susanne Apgar: Bear Flag Beer
$125 -
Mari Araki: Cowgirl
$40 -
Linda Aronow Punk Photography: T.S.O.L. /Black Flag Postcard
$5 -
Maj Askew: Key Study
$200 -
April Babin: Cute as a Bug
$45 -
April Babin: Elliptical Elbert
$45 -
April Babin: Finding My Ego
$45 -
April Babin: Rhombus Rhea
$45 -
Amie Baeza: Anna
$20 -
Amie Baeza: Asia
$20 -
Bryan Bancroft: BSA
$75 -
Bryan Bancroft: Excelsior
$75 -
Bryan Bancroft: Harley Davidson
$75 -
Bryan Bancroft: Indian
$75 -
Sayuka Bloodstone: Lotus
$125 -
Sayuka Bloodstone: Two Secrets II
$125 -
Sayuka Bloodstone: Wandering
$125 -
Steven Bossler: Soak 1
$80 -
Steven Bossler: Soak 2
$80 -
Ally Burke: Space Teeth Demon
$80 -
Cane: Pizza Chica
$100 -
Cane: Rainbow Cop
$100 -
Cane: Rich Alien
$100 -
Jeaneen Carlino: Artemis
$45 -
Jeaneen Carlino: Ethelinda
$45 -
Jeaneen Carlino: Nephthys
$45 -
Jeaneen Carlino: Wadjet
$45 -
Emilie Carroll: Breakfast
$75 -
Ashleigh Chavez: Epitome
$25 -
Ashleigh Chavez: Triumphant
$25 -
Christine Cheung: Jane Fonda
$25 -
Christine Cheung: Jeanie Berlin
$25 -
Christine Cheung: Liquid Sky
$25 -
Christine Cheung: Mali (Hike)
$40 -
Christine Cheung: Slurp
$40 -
Dayoung Cho: Dokkaebi 2
$40 -
Dayoung Cho: Dokkaebi 3
$40 -
Dayoung Cho: Dokkaebi 4
$40 -
Ricardo Cisneros: Sacred Heart of St. Ronald
$150 -
Ricardo Cisneros: Saint B’urghlar
$150 -
Tom Connor: Countdown
$55 -
Tom Connor: Screwhead
$55 -
Kellie Cracker: AC
$75 -
Carmela Cucueco: Bite It
$45 -
Carmela Cucueco: Grind
$45 -
Carmela Cucueco: Lick It
$45 -
Carmela Cucueco: Meet Me at Night
$45 -
Mario D’Anna Jr.: The Future
$10 -
DiabloTexas: Crystal Telepathy
$75 -
DiabloTexas: Desert Witch
$75 -
Caitlin Dobson: Crying King
$50 -
Caitlin Dobson: Third Eye
$50 -
Christine Donovan: Addiction
$40 -
Christine Donovan: Covid
$40 -
Christine Donovan: Hope
$40 -
James Dormer Schneider: Hi
$100 -
James Dormer Schneider: Kai
$100 -
Wyatt Eddy: Don’t Wanna
$75 -
Wyatt Eddy: Expletive
$75 -
Wyatt Eddy: Raspberries
$75 -
Wyatt Eddy: Whatever
$75 -
Wyatt Eddy: WTF
$75 -
Eric Fabbro: Ambassador Bot
$75 -
Eric Fabbro: Ape Bot
$75 -
Eric Fabbro: Hunger Bot
$75 -
Eric Fabbro: Idealist Bot
$75 -
Randall Fischer: Awakers
$100 -
Randall Fischer: Maddie
$100 -
Randall Fischer: Weapons
$100 -
Randall Fischer: Weeds
$100 -
Michael Fursa: Hide in Space
$20 -
Michael Fursa: Seek in Space
$20 -
España Garcia: Reign
$50 -
España Garcia: Sisters
$50 -
Funky Garcia: Moon Cloud
$50 -
Victoria Gedvillas: Hi Susan
$60 -
Katherine Genikov: Rad
$20 -
Sean Ghobad: David Cross
$100 -
Sean Ghobad: Robin Williams
$100 -
Jenna Gibson: Flagstaff
$50 -
Jenna Gibson: Oglala (Six)
$50 -
Jeff Gillette: Slumscape I
$200 -
Jeff Gillette: Slumscape II
$200 -
Elvin Gonzalez: Ms. Humes
$50 -
Elvin Gonzalez: Ms. Jameson
$50 -
Brian Greene: Oh Wood Eye
$10 -
Brian Greene: Eye Wood Too
$10 -
Maia Gross: Dangerous Animal
$60 -
Maia Gross: Overdose
$60 -
Maia Gross: Vesuvius
$60 -
Matthew Hayashida: Still Life
$25 -
Zachary Scott Heinrichs: Alien Mistress
$25 -
Julia Hill: Aldrin
$40 -
Brian J. Hoffman: Luchador No. 2
$60 -
Murjani Holmes: Brooklyn Butterfly
$85 -
Murjani Holmes: Elephant
$40 -
Pearl C. Hsiung: Blaster
$50 -
Pearl C. Hsiung: Buster
$50 -
Joon Il Hwang: Fool’s Gold
$30 -
Joon Il Hwang: Piebald Spirit
$30 -
Joon Il Hwang: Hear My Tear
$30 -
Illusorya: Praise Nor Fighting
$150 -
Illusorya: Bloody Mater
$200 -
Steve Javiel: Abstract Flowers No. 1
$50 -
Steve Javiel: Abstract Flowers No. 2
$50 -
Steve Javiel: Daisies No. 1
$50 -
Christie Jay: Man 1
$40 -
Christie Jay: Man 2
$40 -
Christie Jay: Woman 1
$40 -
Christie Jay: Woman 2
$40 -
Jeff Johnson: Chrysth
$50 -
Jeff Johnson: Drunk Wizard
$50 -
Jeff Johnson: Hourglass
$50 -
Karl Johnsen: Candy Girls
$25 -
Friday Jones: Dawn Patrol
$50 -
Friday Jones: High Noon
$50 -
Friday Jones: Red Skies at Night
$50 -
Zara Kand: Dwelling
$125 -
Karikatura: El Castillo Alto
$80 -
Karikatura: My Heart Is My Home
$90 -
Karen Ruth Karlsson: Sacred Geometry 1
$25 -
Karen Ruth Karlsson: Sacred Geometry 2
$25 -
Lois Keller: I Swear
$25 -
Lois Keller: Use
$25 -
Tommi Kelly: Not My Baby
$100 -
Kate Kelton: Caping Is a Tell
$50 -
Kate Kelton: Celebrity Supersedes
$50 -
Kate Kelton: How Free?
$50 -
Shady Kimzey: Ocean Eyes
$50 -
Shady Kimzey: Empathy
$50 -
Shady Kimzey: Spiral
$50 -
Shady Kimzey: Stairs & Columns
$50 -
Heather Kohos: Stuck No. 1
$145 -
Heather Kohos: Stuck No. 2
$145 -
Heather Kohos: Stuck No. 3
$145 -
Heathos Kohos: Stuck No.4
$145 -
KrossD: Bunny Cliché (Circles)
$50 -
KrossD: Bunny Cliché (Dots)
$50 -
KrossD: Bunny Cliché (Splatter)
$50 -
KrossD: Bunny Cliché (Stripes)
$50 -
Danielle Laine-Patton: Frontline Hero #1
$60 -
Danielle Laine-Patton: Frontline Hero #2
$60 -
Danielle Laine-Patton: Voodoo Doll Graffiti #1
$60 -
Danielle Laine-Patton: Voodoo Doll Graffiti #2
$60 -
Daniel Landerman: Elvin Tinker
$75 -
Daniel Landerman: The Lamia
$100 -
Daniel Landerman: Megan
$100 -
Jennifer Jean Lee: Bananas
$120 -
Coney Leung: Winter
$40 -
LMisty: Backstreet Kois
$55 -
Alexis Lopez: Swirl 1
$40 -
Alexis Lopez: Swirl 2
$40 -
Alexis Lopez: Swirl 3
$40 -
Alexis Lopez: Swirl 4
$40 -
Chelsea Lothringer: Manila Luzon
$30 -
Chelsea Lothringer: Shea Coulee
$30 -
Lovely: Diamonds Sword
$75 -
Lovely: Hearts Shield
$75 -
Thomas Lynch III: Space Eye (Black Light)
$100 -
Macchan: Nevermore
$25 -
Eileen Mao: Bella
$40 -
Eileen Mao: Hypnotize
$30 -
Eileen Mao: Leap
$30 -
Eileen Mao: Look Out
$30 -
Eileen Mao: Ryona
$40 -
Eileen Mao: Whisper
$30 -
Laura Masson: Doomed
$50 -
Laura Masson: Flower Monster
$50 -
Laura Masson: Hell Churros
$50 -
Laura Masson: My Heart Is Broken
$50 -
Ryan Mattos: Sip Slow
$30 -
Meaghan McAneeley: Radiant Galaxy
$40 -
Meaghan McAneeley: Web of Pearls
$40 -
Ronnie Ray Mendez: B-1
$100 -
Ronnie Ray Mendez: B-3
$100 -
Nathan Morse: Friends & Lovers
$150 -
Nathan Morse: Id Wasn’t Me
$150 -
Emma Mount: Gems #4
$55 -
Mayuko Nakamura: Mika
$150 -
Mayuko Nakamura: Rika
$150 -
Mayuko Nakamura: Yika
$150 -
Christiana Odum: Fall
$30 -
Christiana Odum: Spring
$30 -
Christiana Odum: Summer
$30 -
Christiana Odum: Winter
$30 -
Daisuke Okamoto: Matrix Engine
$100 -
Julian Ortiz: No Surf
$60 -
Julian Ortiz: I Stole Your Sweet Roll
$60 -
Julian Ortiz: Lunch on Tuesday
$40 -
Karin Ostrand: Gazania
$20 -
Anna Pak: Autumn Leaves
$50 -
Anna Pak: Spring Tea Time
$50 -
Anna Pak: Summer Swim
$50 -
Anna Pak: Winter Wonderland
$50 -
Dawn Pearcey: Expert Assures
$75 -
Andrew Peterson: 66 Batmobile
$50 -
Andrew Peterson: 66 McQueen Bullitt
$50 -
Andrew Peterson: 66 Monkeemobile
$50 -
James J Peterson: Keep on Truckin’
$88 -
Eric Pigors: Frankenhippie
$90 -
Pleasant: Between Two Moments
$35 -
Pleasant: Blast’in Jackson
$50 -
Pleasant: Blast’in O’Riley
$50 -
Pleasant: Bonjour James!
$35 -
Pleasant: Tomorrow’s Child
$35 -
Mark D. Powers: Duck Faced Imp
$70 -
Mark D. Powers: Peace
$70 -
Nate Pottker: An Angry Rooster
$50 -
Nate Pottker: Groundhog
$50 -
Nate Pottker: Serial Killer Thriller
$50 -
Nate Pottker: A Smoking Cat
$50 -
William Prince: Asian Metal Band
$50 -
William Prince: Daily Bread
$50 -
William Prince: Eye Like TV
$50 -
Kenneth Proseus: Hard Times Bright Skies
$80 -
Kenneth Proseus: Hard Times New Horizons
$80 -
Kenneth Proseus: Hard Times Old Lies
$80 -
Kenneth Proseus: Electric Slide
$80 -
Kenneth Proseus: Let’s Both Be Mad
$80 -
Kenneth Proseus: Thinking Back
$80 -
Viviana Puecher: Eternity
$100 -
Viviana Puecher: My Personal Hero
$100 -
Jesse Quam: Exploration One
$40 -
Jesse Quam: Exploration Three
$40 -
Jesse Quam: Exploration Two
$40 -
Saffron Reichenbacker: Creaks
$20 -
Saffron Reichenbacker: Florence
$20 -
Saffron Reichenbacker: Ghost Train
$20 -
Kent Reppert II: No Fear
$75 -
Kent Reppert II: Star Stealer
$75 -
RFX1: Dismantled
$50 -
RFX1: Infinite Vibrations
$50 -
RFX1: The Purge
$50 -
Ryan Riedel: Angry Mickey
$25 -
Ryan Riedel: Coaster Quilt
$20 -
Annika Riggins: Night on the Sun
$75 -
Annika Riggins: Out of the Blue
$75 -
Annika Riggins: Spinning Away
$75 -
Annika Riggins: Watching Trees
$75 -
Israel Rodriguez: Transient Nature Part 2
$80 -
Israel Rodriguez: Transient Nature Part 3
$80 -
Israel Rodriguez: Transient Nature Part 4
$80 -
Summer Romasco: Field
$45 -
Joey Rotten: Nebula of the Spear-Tooth
$75 -
Brandon Micah Rowe: Spiderwebs
$45 -
Andrew Ruano: Rosa Azul Cielo
$40 -
Andrew Ruano: Rosa Coral
$40 -
Andrew Ruano: Rosa Roja
$40 -
Marco Santos: Spider-Duck Homecoming
$25 -
PJ Sargeant: Gizmo & Frank Safe at Home
$45 -
PJ Sargeant: Hide & Seek in Quarantine
$45 -
PJ Sargeant: Pterodactyl and Teletubbie
$45 -
PJ Sargeant: Robot Turtle / Not Masking
$45 -
Rusty Sherrill: Orange Meanie
$100 -
Rusty Sherrill: Puddles Pity Party
$100 -
Rusty Sherrill: Soul?
$100 -
Rusty Sherrill: Trump Fink
$100 -
Sarumathy Shunmuganathan: Bloom
$40 -
Andre Simmons: Biggie
$50 -
Andre Simmons: Ché
$50 -
Andre Simmons: Christina Perri
$50 -
Andre Simmons: Ty Dolla $ign
$50 -
Smasa: Big Brother Mask
$80 -
Smasa: Iron Vampire Mask
$80 -
Smasa: King Skrull
$80 -
Smasa: Long Tongue Monster
$80 -
Smasa: Malone
$80 -
Smasa: Nanny Monster
$80 -
Smasa: Scorpion Monster
$80 -
Smasa: Sinister Snuffleupagus
$80 -
Smasa: Sub Monster
$80 -
Smasa: Weird Skull Monster
$80 -
Smasa: Winged Skull Monster
$80 -
Jeff Stridde: All the World’s…
$80 -
Josh Stein: Mardi Gras V
$75 -
Jeff Stridde: Gumdrop Forest
$75 -
Jeff Stridde: Overlook Hotel
$80 -
David Russell Talbott: Harlan Ellison
$100 -
Eric Minh Swenson: Kiss
$100 -
Brenna Tedesco: Apple of My Eye
$50 -
Brenna Tedesco: Cherry on Top
$50 -
Brenna Tedesco: Hot Dog
$50 -
Kate Theodosiou: Constellation Polar Bear
$30 -
Brook Helen Thompson: Landscape 1
$40 -
Brook Helen Thompson: Landscape 2
$40 -
Brook Helen Thompson: Landscape 3
$40 -
Brook Helen Thompson: Landscape 4
$40 -
Velvastein: Cleopatra
$150 -
Velvastein: Hestia
$150 -
Velvastein: Medusa
$150 -
Tyler Walls: Cthulhu Has a Booboo
$30 -
Tyler Walls: Devil Dave
$30 -
Tyler Walls: Sad Tengu
$30 -
Tyler Walls: The Seared Mind
$30 -
Candy Wootton: Love in Space
$20 -
Pasqualle Yamakawa: Bird
$40 -
Pasqualle Yamakawa: Love