10 Oct Coaster Party
The 7th Annual Edition of Matt Kennedy’s Coaster Show opened last weekend to great attendance and even greater success. This world famous event –which has launched thousands of careers, was the most discerning collection of fine art coasters yet!
This year Gallery 30 South got more submissions than any prior year, but opted to accept fewer pieces than ever, making this the most competitive presentation of mini masterpieces yet! The decision to limit the installation to eight individual Displays of 90 Coasters each allowed more space between each, offering a more comfortable viewing experience reflected in first weekend sales: a full quarter of this year’s artworks were sold out by Sunday afternoon.
For the Thursday Night Preview, artists had flown-in from all over the United States, Canada, and even Europe, while the public opening drew patrons both local and international as well. The show, itself, featured the work of artists from North & South America, Australia, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Styles include graphite drawings, acrylic and oil paintings, assemblage, appliqué, collage, photo transfers, needlepoint, screen printing, digital lithography, and even real spiderwebs.
This tradition, which Kennedy started during his decade-long tenure as the director of La Luz de Jesus Gallery, has become renown among collectors who are afforded the opportunity to pick up incredible unique artworks from established and emerging talent. The ceiling price of $250 (with most pieces priced well below that) draws many first time collectors and gives Gallery 30 South visitors a front-row view of the next generation of figurative and narrative superstars.
Gallery 30 South accepts submissions for the Coaster Show from June to September only.