Heung Heung Chin: Pika and the Wolf

Heung Heung Chin: Pika and the Wolf

Personal Digital Work
by Tzadik’s Chief Designer

November 1st to 30th

Artist Reception: Sunday, November 10th, 3-6PM

Heung-Heung Chin’s first California solo exhibition showcases a selection of graphic design; a sculptural microworld; and the premiere of “Pika and the Wolf,” a set of illustrations about a female ochotona and male canine.

Pika and the Wolf  highlights adventurous moments in the USA and beyond. Two friends continue their time together despite long, real world physical separations. Heavily detailed environments remain consistent with Chin’s signature graphic design style. The series is an intense memoir celebrating wit and nature.

“Inquiry” explores the dynamics between color and miniature forms. Each study in the “Inquiry” is about energy, geometry and nature.

Wearable sculptural pieces (rings, pendants), based on the sage owl, Phire, were conceived and evolved as part of a group birthday box first presented in Ghent. Each piece presented in this show was originally hand sculpted by the artist and sent for casting in brass or sterling silver.

A graphic design survey features a selection of 2D work: music packaging, books, posters, pins, etc.




Heung Heung Chin has designed nearly everything for John Zorn‘s legendary Tzadik label, from LP and CD packaging to books, T-shirts and every piece of specialty merchandise.

Heung-Heung Chin studied graphic design and printmaking at Cooper Union, receiving scholarship awards from the TDC and ADC. Upon graduating, she worked briefly for a design studio before establishing herself as an in-demand freelancer. She is focused on 2D design work such as CD and LP packages, posters, catalogs, brochures, postcards, books, logos, stationery, T-shirts, stickers, etc. Her clients include musicians, music labels, filmmakers, festivals, publishers and gallerists. For years she has been the exclusive designer for music label Tzadik and has worked on a variety of related projects. Her design has been included in the “Print Annual,” AIGA “Soundblast,” “Alarm” color issue and other publications.
Click here for Heung Heung Chin’s CV

This is the NYC artist’s first solo exhibition in Los Angeles.
Images forthcoming. For more info contact:

Matt Kennedy
Gallery Director